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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Our Research Papers

At erratic intervals we like to explore aspects of historical Regency dancing we feel might be of interest to Regency dancers. (Papers are listed below with the most recent at the top.)

To submit comments or papers please email to editors@RegencyDances.org

Click on a subject below that interests you -

NumberPaper Title/LinkSubmitted
75Bath Assembly-Room Cotillon Collections of the 1780s01/Mar/2025
74A Second Selection of Balls from 180607/Jan/2025
73The Life of a Socialite, Mrs Calvert (1767-1859)15/Nov/2024
72The Dancing Days of Lady Sarah Spencer (1787-1870)22/Sep/2024
71The Pyle Manuscript of Dances, 182227/Jul/2024
70The Country Dances of Goulding & Co.31/May/2024
69The New Quadrille Fan for 181731/Mar/2024
68Two Balls from 180608/Feb/2024
67Mons Boulognes Gymnastic Morris Dance, 182717/Dec/2023
66A Selection of Balls from 180703/Nov/2023
65Public Balls at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the early 19th Century04/Sep/2023
64The Etiquette of The Ball-Room, 1823, by A Gentleman08/Jul/2023
63The Address by Thomas Wilson, 182102/May/2023
62Quadrille Dancing at the Berkeley Hunt Ball, 181726/Feb/2023
61Wilson and Williamsons Circular System of English Country Dancing, 181827/Dec/2022
60A Second Selection of Balls from 180817/Nov/2022
59Dancing on Grass17/Sep/2022
58A Selection of Balls from 180822/Jul/2022
57S. J. Gardiners "A Definition of Minuet-Dancing", 178605/May/2022
56A Selection of Balls from 181102/Apr/2022
55Mrs Walkers Masquerades, 1800-180421/Feb/2022
54The Perthshire Hunt Balls of 1809 and 181023/Dec/2021
53Exotic English Country Dances of the late 18th Century03/Nov/2021
52A Selection of Balls from 180927/Sep/2021
51The Country Dances of George McFarren, 180802/Aug/2021
50A Selection of Balls from 181013/May/2021
49Spanish Country Dancing15/Mar/2021
48Burlington House (and other) Balls of 181424/Jan/2021
47British Dance Fans, 1789-182204/Nov/2020
46F. J. Lambert's 1815 Treatise on Dancing22/Aug/2020
45Programme for a Cotillon Ball, 179920/Jul/2020
44Grand Duke Nicholas at Brighton Pavilion, 181720/May/2020
43The Carlton House Balls, 1811-181610/Apr/2020
42Mrs Beaumont's Grand Balls, Part 2: 1811-182125/Feb/2020
41Mrs Beaumont's Grand Balls, Part 1: 1807-181001/Jan/2020
40Three Whitehall Balls of 180313/Dec/2019
39The Marchioness of Abercorn's Balls of March 180124/Oct/2019
38Dancing at the Oatlands Fete, 179927/Sep/2019
37Programme for a Richmond Ball, 181527/Aug/2019
36Programme for a Second Royal Ball, 181326/Jun/2019
35Programme for a Royal Ball, 181317/Apr/2019
34Example Tunes for Country Dancing19/Feb/2019
33James and Martin Platts, Dance Publishers, 1780s-1820s18/Jan/2019
32Copyright Disputes between London's Dance Publishers, 1810s29/Sep/2018
31The Dances of Charles Wheatstone & Augustus Voigt09/Apr/2018
30The Country Dances of the Cahusacs01/Jan/2018
29Skillern & Challoner, Music Sellers, c.1806-182515/Sep/2017
28The Country Dances of Button & Co.04/Jul/2017
27The Dance Collections of William Campbell19/Mar/2017
26Etiquette Guide Rules for Social Dancing (1808-1831)03/Jan/2017
25Assembly Room Rules for Social Dancing31/Oct/2016
24The Lowe Brothers, Teachers of Dancing in Scotland26/Aug/2016
23La Batteuse, a Figure Dance01/Aug/2016
22Nathaniel Gow (1763-1831)18/May/2016
21Dancing the First Set of Quadrilles29/Mar/2016
20Regency Era Country Dances - Embellishments22/Jan/2016
19Regency Era Country Dances - Form18/Jan/2016
18Towards Professionalism in Historic Dance27/Oct/2015
17Regency Era Country Dances - Music12/Oct/2015
16Regency Era Country Dances - Figures10/Sep/2015
15G.M.S. Chivers, Dancing Master20/Jul/2015
14White v. Gerock, 1818 (of Country Dances & Copyright) 03/Jun/2015
13The Regency Waltz14/Apr/2015
12Evening Dress, Ball Dress or Court Dress - - - but don't Overdress!14/Mar/2015
11Cotillion Dancing in England, 1760s to 1810s24/Feb/2015
10James Paine, of Almack's (1778-1855)16/Jan/2015
9Edward Payne, Dancing Master (1792-1819)25/Nov/2014
8The Life & Quadrilles of Joseph Binns Hart (1794-1844)21/Oct/2014
7The Lancers Quadrilles28/Aug/2014
6The Works of Thomas Wilson, Dancing Master06/Aug/2014
5The Life of Thomas Wilson, Dancing Master (1774-1854)12/May/2014
4The Promenade Figure in English Regency Dancing14/Mar/2014
3Wilson's Quadrilles10/Jan/2014
2The Pousette Figure in English Regency Dancing07/Nov/2013
1The Allemande Figure in English Regency Dancing18/Sep/2013