Number | Paper Title/Link | Submitted |
75 | Bath Assembly-Room Cotillon Collections of the 1780s | 01/Mar/2025 |
74 | A Second Selection of Balls from 1806 | 07/Jan/2025 |
73 | The Life of a Socialite, Mrs Calvert (1767-1859) | 15/Nov/2024 |
72 | The Dancing Days of Lady Sarah Spencer (1787-1870) | 22/Sep/2024 |
71 | The Pyle Manuscript of Dances, 1822 | 27/Jul/2024 |
70 | The Country Dances of Goulding & Co. | 31/May/2024 |
69 | The New Quadrille Fan for 1817 | 31/Mar/2024 |
68 | Two Balls from 1806 | 08/Feb/2024 |
67 | Mons Boulognes Gymnastic Morris Dance, 1827 | 17/Dec/2023 |
66 | A Selection of Balls from 1807 | 03/Nov/2023 |
65 | Public Balls at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the early 19th Century | 04/Sep/2023 |
64 | The Etiquette of The Ball-Room, 1823, by A Gentleman | 08/Jul/2023 |
63 | The Address by Thomas Wilson, 1821 | 02/May/2023 |
62 | Quadrille Dancing at the Berkeley Hunt Ball, 1817 | 26/Feb/2023 |
61 | Wilson and Williamsons Circular System of English Country Dancing, 1818 | 27/Dec/2022 |
60 | A Second Selection of Balls from 1808 | 17/Nov/2022 |
59 | Dancing on Grass | 17/Sep/2022 |
58 | A Selection of Balls from 1808 | 22/Jul/2022 |
57 | S. J. Gardiners "A Definition of Minuet-Dancing", 1786 | 05/May/2022 |
56 | A Selection of Balls from 1811 | 02/Apr/2022 |
55 | Mrs Walkers Masquerades, 1800-1804 | 21/Feb/2022 |
54 | The Perthshire Hunt Balls of 1809 and 1810 | 23/Dec/2021 |
53 | Exotic English Country Dances of the late 18th Century | 03/Nov/2021 |
52 | A Selection of Balls from 1809 | 27/Sep/2021 |
51 | The Country Dances of George McFarren, 1808 | 02/Aug/2021 |
50 | A Selection of Balls from 1810 | 13/May/2021 |
49 | Spanish Country Dancing | 15/Mar/2021 |
48 | Burlington House (and other) Balls of 1814 | 24/Jan/2021 |
47 | British Dance Fans, 1789-1822 | 04/Nov/2020 |
46 | F. J. Lambert's 1815 Treatise on Dancing | 22/Aug/2020 |
45 | Programme for a Cotillon Ball, 1799 | 20/Jul/2020 |
44 | Grand Duke Nicholas at Brighton Pavilion, 1817 | 20/May/2020 |
43 | The Carlton House Balls, 1811-1816 | 10/Apr/2020 |
42 | Mrs Beaumont's Grand Balls, Part 2: 1811-1821 | 25/Feb/2020 |
41 | Mrs Beaumont's Grand Balls, Part 1: 1807-1810 | 01/Jan/2020 |
40 | Three Whitehall Balls of 1803 | 13/Dec/2019 |
39 | The Marchioness of Abercorn's Balls of March 1801 | 24/Oct/2019 |
38 | Dancing at the Oatlands Fete, 1799 | 27/Sep/2019 |
37 | Programme for a Richmond Ball, 1815 | 27/Aug/2019 |
36 | Programme for a Second Royal Ball, 1813 | 26/Jun/2019 |
35 | Programme for a Royal Ball, 1813 | 17/Apr/2019 |
34 | Example Tunes for Country Dancing | 19/Feb/2019 |
33 | James and Martin Platts, Dance Publishers, 1780s-1820s | 18/Jan/2019 |
32 | Copyright Disputes between London's Dance Publishers, 1810s | 29/Sep/2018 |
31 | The Dances of Charles Wheatstone & Augustus Voigt | 09/Apr/2018 |
30 | The Country Dances of the Cahusacs | 01/Jan/2018 |
29 | Skillern & Challoner, Music Sellers, c.1806-1825 | 15/Sep/2017 |
28 | The Country Dances of Button & Co. | 04/Jul/2017 |
27 | The Dance Collections of William Campbell | 19/Mar/2017 |
26 | Etiquette Guide Rules for Social Dancing (1808-1831) | 03/Jan/2017 |
25 | Assembly Room Rules for Social Dancing | 31/Oct/2016 |
24 | The Lowe Brothers, Teachers of Dancing in Scotland | 26/Aug/2016 |
23 | La Batteuse, a Figure Dance | 01/Aug/2016 |
22 | Nathaniel Gow (1763-1831) | 18/May/2016 |
21 | Dancing the First Set of Quadrilles | 29/Mar/2016 |
20 | Regency Era Country Dances - Embellishments | 22/Jan/2016 |
19 | Regency Era Country Dances - Form | 18/Jan/2016 |
18 | Towards Professionalism in Historic Dance | 27/Oct/2015 |
17 | Regency Era Country Dances - Music | 12/Oct/2015 |
16 | Regency Era Country Dances - Figures | 10/Sep/2015 |
15 | G.M.S. Chivers, Dancing Master | 20/Jul/2015 |
14 | White v. Gerock, 1818 (of Country Dances & Copyright) | 03/Jun/2015 |
13 | The Regency Waltz | 14/Apr/2015 |
12 | Evening Dress, Ball Dress or Court Dress - - - but don't Overdress! | 14/Mar/2015 |
11 | Cotillion Dancing in England, 1760s to 1810s | 24/Feb/2015 |
10 | James Paine, of Almack's (1778-1855) | 16/Jan/2015 |
9 | Edward Payne, Dancing Master (1792-1819) | 25/Nov/2014 |
8 | The Life & Quadrilles of Joseph Binns Hart (1794-1844) | 21/Oct/2014 |
7 | The Lancers Quadrilles | 28/Aug/2014 |
6 | The Works of Thomas Wilson, Dancing Master | 06/Aug/2014 |
5 | The Life of Thomas Wilson, Dancing Master (1774-1854) | 12/May/2014 |
4 | The Promenade Figure in English Regency Dancing | 14/Mar/2014 |
3 | Wilson's Quadrilles | 10/Jan/2014 |
2 | The Pousette Figure in English Regency Dancing | 07/Nov/2013 |
1 | The Allemande Figure in English Regency Dancing | 18/Sep/2013 |